Management Strategies to Reduce Dropout Students in Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 3


  • Preecha Poosombatkajhon Faculty of Education, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Kamphaeng Phet 62000
  • Supaporn Pongpinyo-o-pas Faculty of Education, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Kamphaeng Phet 62000
  • Chot Bodeerat Faculty of Social Sciences and Local Development, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok 65000
  • Prapart Katethai Kamphaeng Phet Technical College, Office of Vocational Education Commission, Kamphaeng Phet 62000



Strategy, Management, Reducing the dropout student in institutes


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the dropout tendencies and causes of students in Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 3, 2) to study the conditions, the problems, and the factors related to the management to reduce the dropout of students in Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 3, 3) to develop the management strategies to reduce the dropout of students in Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 3, 4) to try out and assess the management strategies to reduce the dropout of students in Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 3. The research was divided into 4 steps. The first step was to study the dropout tendencies and causes of students the samples consisted of 240 persons namely teacher advisers, students’ friends, and parents. The research instruments were an interview and a questionnaire. The second step was to study the conditions, the problems, and the factors related to the management to reduce the dropout of students. The research instruments were a questionnaire conducted with 246 school administrators and teacher advisors, and the focus group conducted with 20 persons of school administrators and teachers from 5 schools. The third step was to develop the management strategies to reduce the dropout of students, the research instruments were an interview conducted with 9 persons namely the directors or deputy directors of student affairs, the leaders of student activity, or the leaders of teacher advisers from successful institutes of reducing the dropout of students. Workshop technique conducted with 15 experts in the management to reduce the dropout of students. The methodology was SWOT Analysis. Connoisseurship conducted with 9 experts was the method to check and correct the strategic draft. The strategies were assessed with 15 experts. The fourth step was to try out and assess the management strategies to reduce the dropout of students, the samples consisted of 15 persons namely administrators, teachers, and parents from Phitsanulok Technical College. The experimental strategy was the third strategy which was the strategy of a cooperative network of the government sector and private sector to reduce the dropout of students. The methodology was One-Group Posttest Design. The strategic results were compared with the goals to assess the achievement.


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How to Cite

Poosombatkajhon, P. ., Pongpinyo-o-pas, S. ., Bodeerat, C. ., & Katethai, P. (2022). Management Strategies to Reduce Dropout Students in Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 3. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 16(1), 268–282.



Research Article