Factors Contributing to the Success of Construction Management by Local Government Organizations in Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province


  • Pattana Suwansumrit Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani 12110
  • Piranan Yimfan Phetchabun Province Local Government Promotion Office, Phetchabun 67000




Administrative factors, Construction management, Management effectiveness, Local government organization


Research on factors affecting the success of local government construction in Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province aims to study factors affecting the success of local government construction management, and  to study the relationship between these factors. To improve the construction management success and efficiency of local government, Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province. The population is 18 local government personnel in Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province. 1,190 people set the sample size using Taro Yamane's calculation formula. A total of 299 researchers used a randomized sampling method using a questionnaire as a research tool. It is a quantitative study, analyzing data using finished programs. The statistics used to analyze data are frequency, percentage, average, and milk deviation .Pearson's correlation coefficient was found to be standardized and used in determining the correlation. The research found that

  1. Factors Affecting the Success of Construction Management of Local Governments Overall, the number of personnel has been very high. The success of construction management by local governments is the most important factor.
  2. Construction efficiency of local government, Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province. Overall, the efficiency of construction management of local governments is very high.
  3. The relationship between local government's construction management factors, including personnel, financial factors, machinery, construction materials and construction procedures is related to the efficiency of local government's construction management in Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province The effectiveness of work quality, workload and duration was found to be highly correlated and statistically significantly related in the same direction at 0.05.


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How to Cite

Suwansumrit, P., & Yimfan, P. . . (2024). Factors Contributing to the Success of Construction Management by Local Government Organizations in Mueang Phetchabun District, Phetchabun Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(2), 556–571. https://doi.org/10.14456/psruhss.2024.38



Research Article