The Model Mechanism of Capability Building for the Informal Elderly Labor’s Well-being Development in Local Administrative Organization, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province
The model mechanism, Well-being, Informal elderly laborsAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the state and problem of informal elderly labor’s well-being development in local administrative organization; 2) to investigate factors affecting on informal elderly labor’s well-being development; and 3) to develop the model mechanism of capability building for the informal elderly labor’s well-being. The research was mixed methods research. The qualitative research, the sample was 48 informal elderly labors with a purposive sampling, and 40 administrators and employees of local administrative organization, employees of Social Development and Human Security office, employees of District Community Development office, village headman and representatives of the senior citizens club with a purposive sampling. The research instruments were the interview form and focus group. All collected data were analyzed by the content analysis. The quantitative research, 112 administrators and employees of local administrative organization with a quota sampling. The questionnaire were used as research tools. All collected data were analyzed by using percentage, average, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The results illustrated that 1) The state of informal elderly labor’s well-being development was at a high level in overall. There were several problems of informal elderly labor’s well-being, including the informal elderly labor’s health, the working hours affecting on duration of participation, the monotonous activities, and insufficient budget; 2) The management system, leadership, strength of community, and collaborative network have dramatically indicated the variation on informal elderly labor’s well-being development in local administrative organization. It was at a high level; and 3) The model mechanism of capability building for the informal elderly labor’s well-being (MLCC) consisted of 4 elements, the management system, The leadership, the strength of community and the collaborative network.
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