Students’ Perception of Chinese Identity in Thai Society amongst Upper Secondary School Students in Thammasat Secondary School




Chinese identity, Chinese-Thai people, New generation, Thammasat Secondary School


This research aims to explores and analyzes the views of upper secondary school students at Thammasat Secondary School on the characteristics of current Chinese identities in Thailand. Samples for this study were 327 of upper secondary school students at the school completed the questionnaire and 10 of them gave additional interviews. The statistics used for the analysis were mean (equation) and standard deviation (S.D.) values in four dimensions explored within the Thai-Chinese ethnic group. These dimensions include the preservation of traditions and rituals during Chinese festivals, family relationships and lineage consciousness, the significance of life-related customs and rituals, and the importance of passing on values inherited from ancestors to the next generation. In the dimension related to the importance of passing down values, it was found to be moderately important, with an average value of equation= 2.43 and a standard deviation of S.D. = 1.12. Regarding the dimension of calling each other in the family or addressing others with Chinese pronouns, as well as the significance of Chinese festivals, it was highly important, with the highest averages of equation= 3.60 and S.D. = 1.18, and equation= 3.60 and S.D. = 1.01, respectively. The dimension related to valuing sons more than daughters and giving higher importance to males over females was found to be of minor importance, with the lowest average of equation= 1.76 and a standard deviation of S.D. = 1.05. Other dimensions were of moderate importance. The study suggests that the Thai-Chinese cultural identity has evolved over time due to factors such as generational transmission, the changing attitudes of the younger generation, education, technological advancement, exposure to different cultures, international intermarriage, and particularly, cultural assimilation.


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How to Cite

Mongkolpanich, P., & Khemcharoen, C. (2024). Students’ Perception of Chinese Identity in Thai Society amongst Upper Secondary School Students in Thammasat Secondary School. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(2), 590–604.



Research Article