A Problem of the academic administration Ethos Based on the Philodophy of Sufficiency Economyic” Consists of administrations and teachers for the Vocational Education Commision in Three Souther Border Provinces (Pattani Yala Narathiwat )


  • สุวารี เพ็ชร์สงคราม นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก (ภาวะผู้นำและนวัตกรรมทางการศึกษา) คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อริยา คูหา ศศ.ม (จิตวิทยาและการแนะแนว) ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์, ภาควิชาจิตวิทยาและการแนะแนว คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


The Academic Administration Ethos Based on the Philosophy of “Sufficiency Economics” For the Vocational Education Commision in Three Souther Border Provinces ( Pattani Yala Narathiwat )



The purposes of the research were to (1) Study Problem of the academic Administration Ethos Based on the Philosophy of “Sufficiency Economics” For the Vocational Education Commiision  three Southern Border Provinces . The populations and samples for this study consists of administration and  114 teachers of  13 colleges under the Vocational Education Commission in three southern border provinces of Thailand . The instrument used in this study were(1) Questionnair

            Data  were  analyzed  and  presented  by  Percentage,mean,standard  deviation  and  content  analyize 

The results show that1)  problems  Ethos  Based  on  the  Philosophy  of    “Sufficiency  Economic  for  Aminstator  and  teacher  about  4  factor”    Factor1 Academic  administration  based  on  “Sufficiency  Economics ”      Factor2 Curriculum  and  leaning  management , Factor3 Personal  development ,  Factor4 Student  development , found that each factor cover the middle path of the theory,  That is Moderation,Reasonableness and Self-immunity .All the problem factors were found At the middle level (  3.27 )

When considering each aspect, it was found

  • The problems concerning administration management were at moderate level

( =3.59) and also found that the problem of management of building and environments were the highest level( = 3.84)  and toward by the problem concerning applying the economic Sufficiency philosophy in administration with the men was at  (  =3.59) The results also revealed that the problem of public relation was at ( 3.59).

The problem of public relation was at the lowest level ( =3.42 )

  • The problems Curriculum and Learning management were at moderate level

( =3.26) and also found that the problem of integration of Sufficiency Activity by study were at the highest level ( =3.34 ) and to lowed by the problem concerning activity by study with the mean was at ( =3.30) .The results also revealed that the evaluation was at the lowest level

( =3.13 )

  • The problems concerning Personal development were at moderate level ( =3.43) .The results also revealed that  the problem of to promote  to  show  idea  and  life  using  by  suffieiency  was  at  the  lowest  level   ( = 2.82)

4) The problems concerning student development were at moderate level

 (=3.05) and also found that the activity club boy scount ware at the highest level (=3.41) and to lowed by the problem concerning guidance and system take care students with the mean was at ( =3.05 )

The results also revealed that the problem of culture and folk wisdom and study Buddhism was at the lowest level ( =2.82 )


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How to Cite

เพ็ชร์สงคราม ส., & คูหา อ. (2018). A Problem of the academic administration Ethos Based on the Philodophy of Sufficiency Economyic” Consists of administrations and teachers for the Vocational Education Commision in Three Souther Border Provinces (Pattani Yala Narathiwat ). Al-HIKMAH Journal, 4(7), 45–56. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/115194