constructing and testing the efficiency of English reading aloud exercises “Phonics Read Fast” in a primary 4 level at Budi school, Yaring, Pattani The Area Primary Education Pattani Zone 1


  • เจะสูฮานา หวังพิทยา MESL (Master of English as a Second Language) อาจารย์สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะศิลปศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • นุรซัลวา อัลอิดรีสี ค.บ. (ภาษาอังกฤษ) ครูโรงเรียนบ้านบูดี อ.ยะหริ่ง จ.ปัตตานี


English Reading Aloud Exercises, Phonics Book Development, , the 80/80 Efficiency Standard


This research aimed at 1) constructing and testing the efficiency of English reading aloud exercises “Phonics Read Fast 1” and “Phonics Read Fast 2” in a primary 4 level at Budi school, Yaring, Pattani with the 80/80 standard, 2) comparing students’ learning achievement in English reading subject before and after employing the exercises and 3) investigating students’ opinions toward the exercises.

            The sample consisted of one randomly selected class of 25 Prathom four students at primary level of Budi school, Yaring, Pattani. The English reading aloud exercises “Phonics Read Fast 1” and “Phonics Read Fast 2” were taught to the students based on their 14 lesson plan. After the completion of each lesson,   the ongoing assessments were used to measure students’ learning achievement. The assignments were divided into three kinds; self- assessment by students, peer-assessment and teacher-assessment. Pretest and posttest were used to determine the students’ efficiency of the English reading aloud exercises. At the end of the experiments, questionnaire was administered to assess the students’ opinions toward the exercises. The obtained data were analyzed by means (), standard deviation and t-test.

            The findings revealed that 1) the efficiency of the English reading aloud exercise “Phonics Read Fast 1” was 80.06/80.93 while the efficiency of the English reading aloud exercise “Phonics Read Fast 2” was 81.05/82.13, 2) the students’ learning achievement in reading after employing the exercises was significantly higher at the .01 level, and 3) the students’ opinions toward the English reading aloud exercises “Phonics Read Fast 1” and “Phonics Read Fast 2” were at a high level.



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How to Cite

หวังพิทยา เ., & อัลอิดรีสี น. (2018). constructing and testing the efficiency of English reading aloud exercises “Phonics Read Fast” in a primary 4 level at Budi school, Yaring, Pattani The Area Primary Education Pattani Zone 1. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 4(8), 9–21. Retrieved from