Study the problems, difficulties and the trends solving of learning and teaching Arabic in higher education institutions in the three southern border provinces


  • มะตอเฮ มะลี ศศม. อาจารย์ประจำสาขาภาษาอาหรับ สถาบันอิสลามและอาหรับศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยนราธิวาสราชนครินทร์


Problems, Arabic language, Higher Education Institutions, Border provinces


This research aimed to 1) study problems and difficulties of learning and teaching Arabic language in higher education institutions in the three southern border provinces.2) The way to resolve the problem of teaching and learning Arabic language in high educational institutions.  The samples of the study were 111 students from Arabic language program, Princess of Naradhiwas University, Arabic language program, faculty of Arts program, Fatoni University and Arabic language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences , Prince of Sonkhla University , Pattani campus. Data were collected using questionnaires and were analyzed using percentage average and standard deviation  

The study found that the most important problems, difficulties in learning and teaching Arabic language were in moderate level. They were mostly found on two factors. The use of Arabic language as media of instruction and managerial support of Arabic language development. The fewer problems found that students have low basic Arabic language Suggestion. It is suggested and mostly found that practical is a must to every individual student. In term of management matter curriculum must be properly developed and fit to the students’ need and the less problem were found on learning process that was related to additional class conducting during free hours and class review pre-exam is required


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How to Cite

มะลี ม. (2018). Study the problems, difficulties and the trends solving of learning and teaching Arabic in higher education institutions in the three southern border provinces. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 4(8), 63–73. Retrieved from