The Causal Relationships of Technology Acceptance and Behavioral Intention to Use e-Tax Invoices and e-Receipts by Small and Medium Enterprises

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Sukmongkol Sukmongkol
Somchai Lertpiromsuk
Preyanuch Kijrungrojjarean
Orasa Aramrattana
Suna Sudhikiat


This research aimed to investigate the causal relationships between technology acceptance and behavioral intention concerning the utilization of e-Tax invoices and e-Receipts by small and medium enterprises. This quantitative research collected data from entrepreneurs, executives, and accounting personnel of small and medium enterprises using an online questionnaire sent by email to 203 samples. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. A structural equation model (SEM) was applied to test the research hypothesis.

The results found that the structural equation model was consistent with the empirical data, with the harmonious index of the model as follows: X2/df = 3.313, GFI = 0.928, NFI = 0.937, RFI = 0.918, IFI = 0.955, TLI = 0.941, CFI = 0.955, and RMSEA = 0.078. The findings revealed that perceived ease of use had an indirect influence on behavioral intention through perceived usefulness and attitude toward use. Moreover, it was found that perceived usefulness was the variable that had the greatest influence on behavioral intention. All variables in the relationship model were able to explain 63 percent of behavioral intention. These findings have led to the development of guidelines for related agencies, such as the Revenue Department to increase their e-Tax invoices and e-Receipt’s use by small and medium enterprises in Thailand.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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