The development of grade 11th students biology concepts of endocrine system and scientific analytical thinking by using Brain-based learning.

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ฉัตรมงคล สีประสงค์
เชษฐ์ ศิริสวัสดิ์
นพมณี เชื้อวัชรินทร์


The objectives of this research were to study the development concepts in biology of endocrine gland, scientific analytical thinking by using Brain – based Learning for Grade 11 students. The sample for this research consisted of 27 Grade 11 students of Saen-suk School in the first semester of academic year 2018. The sample was randomly selected by using Cluster random sampling method. The research instruments consisted of lesson plans in the topic of “The endocrine system”, Biology concepts of the endocrine system test and scientific analytical thinking test. The data were statistically analyzed by using percentage, average, standard, the t-test for Dependent samples and t-test for One sample and criterion of 75 percent. The data was collected by the researcher. The research findings showed that the biology concepts of the endocrine system and the scientific analytical thinking were significantly higher than those before implementing and significantly higher than criterion of 75 %

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How to Cite
สีประสงค์ ฉ., ศิริสวัสดิ์ เ., & เชื้อวัชรินทร์ น. (2019). The development of grade 11th students biology concepts of endocrine system and scientific analytical thinking by using Brain-based learning. Journal of Inclusive and Innovative Education, 3(1), 1–11. retrieved from
Research Article


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