The Date of the Buddha's Parinirvāṇa (1)
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When considering the date of the Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa, it is often useful to start with the date of King Aśoka’s coronation. Then, we may add that year to the number of years between King Aśoka’s accession and the Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa, which occurred earlier in history. The relationship between the two dates has already been examined, and will be examined further in the next paper. Therefore, we can start by examining the date of king Aśoka’s coronation.
The result of an analysis completed by Nakamura Hajime affirms 268 B.C. to be the year of King Aśoka’s ascension to the throne, a theory that has been widely accepted by Buddhist scholars. This conclusion is based on Hajime’s supposition that King Candragupta ascended to the throne in 317 B.C. The total number of reigning years for both King Candragupta and King Bindusara was then added to the year 317 B.C. This information was drawn from the Purāṇa’s text, indicating a total of 49 years (317 B.C. + 49 years = 268 B.C.).
A review of the Purāṇa’s text shows that it is highly inconsistent and self-contradictory. Therefore, it can be said that this information is highly unreliable. The results of Nakamura’s theory are based on potentially flawed information. However, a new perspective can be gained from Aśoka’s Rock Edict XIII, which mentions the names of five Greek Kings and the years of their respective reigns.
This paper determines the year when King Aśoka ascended to the throne, calculated with reference to three important points:
- The reigning years of the five Greek kings whose names appear in the Aśoka’s Rock Edict XIII.
- The year of King Candragupta’s accession to the throne.
- The number of years from King Candragupta’s accession, to that of King Aśoka, recorded as 56 years in the chronicle texts of Ceylon.
Thus, it was concluded that King Aśoka ascended to the throne in 267 B.C. The number of years between King Aśoka’s accession to the throne and the Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa will be discussed in the next paper.
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ลิขสิทธิ์ สำนักการศึกษา วัดพระธรรมกาย
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