The Effects of Demonstration Videos on the Management of Student Activities with the Deming Cycle (Pdca) for Undergraduates
demonstration videos, learning achievement, the deming cycle (PDCA)Abstract
In this research investigation, the researcher has the objectives to develop 1) demonstration videos on the management of student activities with the Deming Cycle (PDCA) for undergraduates; to examine 2) learning achievement prior to and after the study with the developed demonstration video lessons; and to examine 3) the undergraduates’ satisfaction with the study using demonstration video lessons. The sample population consisted of fifty undergraduates at Assumption University in the academic year 2021 using the technique of simple random sampling of drawing lots. The research instruments consisted of 1) demonstration video lessons; 2) a learning achievement evaluation form; and 3) a questionnaire eliciting satisfaction. Data were analyzed using mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and dependent t-test.
Findings showed that:
1) the constructed demonstration video lessons exhibited quality at a very good level (M = 4.56, SD = 0.47).
2) The undergraduates studying with the constructed video lessons exhibited learning achievement after the study at a higher level than prior to the study at the statistically significant level of .05.
3) The undergraduates studying with the constructed video lessons exhibited satisfaction at a very good level (M = 4.52, SD = 0.50).
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