The Development of Online Learning Community Model to Enhance Digital Skills and Teamwork for Pre- Service Teacher at Phranakhon Rajabhat University


  • Jomsurang Limprasertkul วิทยาลัยการฝึกหัดครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎพระนคร


Online Learning Community Model, Digital Skills, Teamwork


The objective of this research is 1) to develop the model of online learning community. To enhance digital skills and collaboration of student teachers of Phranakhon Rajabhat University; 2) to compare digital skills before learning and after learning by using online learning community and; 3) To compare digital skills and collaboration between groups learned by online learning communities and control groups. The research instruments were the online learning community model. To enhance digital skills and collaboration. Sample group used in the research, the researcher used simple random methods. By the lottery, choosing 2 study groups to study as an experimental group, 33 students and a control group, 23 people. The data was analyzed using the mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results of the research showed that; 1) Online learning community model, to enhance digital skills and collaboration in consists of inputs for the learning process and learning outcomes, at the highest level. 2) Digital skills of student teachers who study by online learning community model after studying higher than before studying statistical significance at the level of .05. 3) Digital skills of student teachers after, the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group at the .05 level. and 4) teamwork of the experimental group was higher than the control group statistical significance at the level of .05


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How to Cite

Limprasertkul, J. (2022). The Development of Online Learning Community Model to Enhance Digital Skills and Teamwork for Pre- Service Teacher at Phranakhon Rajabhat University. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 17(22), 48–62. Retrieved from



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