Development of Game Based Micro-learning in Online Active Learning for Student Teachers




micro-learning, active learning, game based micro-learning


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop active learning by game based micro-learning, 2) study the learning achievement of student teachers who studied through active learning by game based micro-learning, and 3) study the satisfaction of the student teachers who studied through active learning by game based micro-learning. This pre-experimental design was one group pre-test post-test only design. The samples were 155 student teachers from the faculty of Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The research instruments composed of active learning by game based micro-learning, and evaluation form of satisfaction. Data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test for independent samples. 

The research was revealed that; 1) the quality of active learning by game based micro-learning was at the level of “very good” (= 4.54, S.D. = .65), 2) the post-test score of the student teachers who studied through active learning by game based micro-learning was significantly higher than the pre-test score at level, and 3) the satisfaction of the student teachers who studied through active learning by game based micro-learning was at “most” level ( = 4.52, S.D. = .62)


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2022-11-18 — Updated on 2022-11-19


How to Cite

INSAARD, S. (2022). Development of Game Based Micro-learning in Online Active Learning for Student Teachers. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 17(23). Retrieved from (Original work published November 18, 2022)