Developing of an Online Microlearning Training System to Enhance the Basic Computer Knowledge of Teachers at Mater Dei Institute


  • Thanapong Kunchaikaseam -
  • Boonrat Plangsorn
  • Nattaphon Rampai


Microlearning, Online Training, Basic Computer


            The objectives of this research were 1) to develop an online microlearning training system for basic computer knowledge, 2) to compare basic computer knowledge before and after using the microlearning online training system through the comparison between before and after using online microlearning training system. The sampling group consisted of 42 teachers from Mater Dei institute using volunteer sampling: They self-registered via an internet form. The research instruments were a Basic computer skills assessment questionnaire and post-learning assessment test. The statistic used in this study were percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test dependent, and hypothesis testing between the two related sample groups.

The study revealed that 1) the online microlearning training system for fundamental computer knowledge was developed at a high level that the score was 4.60 from expert evaluations. It indicates that the training method and media were of excellent quality and it could be used. However, improved parts can lead to higher quality. As a result, the training system has been designed to a high standard and is suitable for conducting research. 2)  the test showed significant improvement in learning outcomes after training, with pre-training scores (M = 7.66, SD = 1.65) increasing to post-training scores (M = 11.74, SD = 1.38), a significance difference at the .01 level.


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How to Cite

Kunchaikaseam, T., Plangsorn, B., & Rampai, N. . (2024). Developing of an Online Microlearning Training System to Enhance the Basic Computer Knowledge of Teachers at Mater Dei Institute. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 19(26), 18–34. Retrieved from