Development of “PLEARN” Model through Podcasts in the Distance Education System


  • Phantipa Amornrit STOU
  • Patthanan Bootchuy


Distance Education, Podcasts, Podcast Learning Management Model


         This research aimed to 1) develop a teaching and learning “PLEARN” model through podcasts in the distance education system and 2) study the results of teaching and learning “PLEARN” model through podcasts in the distance education system. The sample used in the research were 34 students who enrolled the 16455 Content Creation and Streaming Course in the distance education system, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, on the second semester of the academic year 2022, obtained by purposive sampling method. The research tools consisted of 1) the teaching and learning "PLEARN" model through podcasts in the distance education system 2) the learning achievement test from the "PLEARN" learning before and after the treatment, and 3) a questionnaire for assessing student satisfaction towards the teaching and learning “PLEARN” model. The data were analyzed by t-test analysis, means, percentages, and standard deviation.

            The research results were as follows: 1) the teaching and learning "PLEARN" model through podcasts in the distance education system consisted of six components are to (1) the podcast media, (2) the content, (3) the steps and learning activities, (4) the learners, (5) the instructors and (6) the evaluation. The learning activities consisted of five steps which are (1) the learning from podcast media to education, (2) the stimulating learning (3) the proactive learning, (4) the summarizing learning, and (5) the sharing knowledge. The over all result of the assessment of teaching and learning model of “PLEARN” by the experts in terms of learning application was at the highest level (𝑥̅ = 4.67, SD = 0.58).  2) The results of teaching and learning of “PLEARN” model through podcasts in the distance education system found that: (1) the comparison of mean in teaching and learning “PLEARN” model had the posttest score higher than the pretest score with statistical significance at the level of .05, and (2) the satisfaction assessment results of the sample group of the teaching and learning "PLEARN" model through podcasts was at the highest level (𝑥̅ = 4.53, SD = 0.51).


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How to Cite

Amornrit, P., & Bootchuy, P. (2024). Development of “PLEARN” Model through Podcasts in the Distance Education System. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 19(26), 107–122. Retrieved from