The Politicians Interference in Police Organization : A Case Study of Roi Et Provincial Police
intervention, police organization, politicianAbstract
This study aimed to 1) investigate the politician’s interventions within Thai police organization; 2) explore the useful guidance and suggestions to terminate those politician’s interventions, the staff promotion, staff transference and appointment, and the case consideration for a case study at Roi-Et Provincial Police Station.
The research methodology was based on an integration between Qualitative Research and Qualitative Research. Practically, the quantitative data was collected from the sample group of the police officers from 33 provincial police stations in Roi-Et province including 54 commissioned officers and 290 non-commissioned officers that were selected by proportional random sampling. Besides, the qualitative data was gained from the police officers from 33 provincial police stations as the key informants directly involved in this study consisting of 66 officers in both commissioned and non-commissioned ranks that were selected by purposive
sampling. The research instruments for data collection were the questionnaire and structured interview form while the statistics for data analysis was used to find the mean, percentage, standard deviation, as well as content analysis. The findings indicated that 1) the participant’s overall attitude on the politician’
intervention within the police organization was rated at an immediate level; namely, the intervention on the case consideration, the staff transference and appointment, and the staff promotion was high, immediate, and low, respectively. In this regard, the officers with different positions agreed that the politician’s intervention on the police organization was different with statistical significance of .05; 2) In terms of guidance and suggestions, the commanders should take personal work performance as the first priority to promote the officers and increase their salary; to transfer or appoint the officers, the commander should strictly follow the fair consideration framework; and the officer’s case consideration should be closely watched and directed by their straight commanders rank by rank. Keywords : intervention, police organization, politician
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