Difficulties Faced by Students Learning in the 153107 Chinese for Aviation Services 4 Course at ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University under Royal Patronage


  • Tiansong Wang VRU


Chinese learning difficulties, Chinese for Aviation Services 4 Course, ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University under Royal Patronage


The purposes of the current study were to study and compare difficulties faced by students learning in the 153107 Chinese for Aviation Services 4 Course at ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University under Royal Patronage. The samples were 125 students enrolling to the subject. The research instrument was a set of questionnaire designed in 5 Likert Scale. The statistics used in data analysis and hypothesis test werePercentage, Mean Score, Standard Deviation, t-test (Independent Samples),and F-test (One-way ANOVA). The results of the study were as follow. 1. The overall difficulties of students enrolling in the 153107 Chinese for Aviation
Services 4 Course was found at low level. Considering the minor aspects of difficulties, 2 aspects including student, role and uses of learning media were found at average level while 4 aspects including assessment, teacher role, curriculum analysis and learning texts, and characteristics of Chinese teachers were found at low level with a hierarchical order. 2. There was no significant difference between the students enrolling in the 153107 Chinese for Aviation Services 4 Course with different genders. Likewise, significant difference was
not found between the students with different GPA level. Keywords : Chinese learning difficulties, Chinese for Aviation Services 4 Course, ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University under Royal Patronage


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How to Cite

Wang, T. (2018). Difficulties Faced by Students Learning in the 153107 Chinese for Aviation Services 4 Course at ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University under Royal Patronage. Chophayom Journal, 29(2), 123–137. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/123886


