English Learning Styles of Students in Listening and Speaking Course (1102003) RajabhatMahaSarakham University
English learning styles, Listening and Speaking CoursesAbstract
The current study aimed to investigate learning styles of students enrolling in Listening and Speaking courses atRajabhatMahaSarakham University. Six learning styles including visual learning style (VLS), auditory learning styles (ALS), tactile learning style (TLS), kinesthetic Learning Style (KLS), individual learning style (ILS), and group learning style (GLS) were taken into consideration. Selected by cluster random sampling, the population were 257 students enrolling in two courses of 1102003 and 3021207 Listening and Speaking. The students were majoring in English, Business English, and Joint-degree English program. The instrument was a set of questionnaire designed in 5 Likert Scales. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean score, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), andF-test (One-way ANOVA). The
results of the study were as follows. The top three used learning styles among the students were group learning style (= 3.63), Auditory learning style (= 3.54), and kinesthetic learning style (= 3.45) respectively.
Keywords : English learning styles, Listening and Speaking Courses
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