Arrangement Isan Folk Song in Classical Music Form for Chamber Music
Music arranging, Isan Folk music, Chamber music ensembles, melody, IsanAbstract
The purpose of the study was to study Isan folk melody that are appropriate for song arranging for chamber music ensembles and appropriate with classical harmony of folk music performed by the chamber music ensembles. The compositions could be used in entertainment and served as a tool in conservative expression of Isan traditional musical cultures and for the integration for teaching music in different subjects. The author selected the composition using the main criteria of interest, popularity in performances, and uses with other cultural performances. Four compositions and one melody were selected. The composition were “Teoy 3 Rhythm” (Simple Teoy, Teoy Burma, Teoy Kong - Mekong short love song), “Mae Hang Gleom Look” (Widow’s lullaby), “Seong Bung Fai” (Bamboo rocket celebration), and “Lum Plern Isan”(Isansong of
comfortable), and the melody was “Line Kern Khan” (Melody of Khan Introduction). The Sibelius Software was used in recoding. Moreover, the Noteperformer Software was used in synchronization providing authentic sound of performances. The results of the study showed that the composition for chamber ensembles demands ethnomusicology knowledge to be principle in song selection and harmonic composition in order to develop creations that contain unique characteristics for marching bands. The composers should have in depth understanding of chords, rhythms, and harmonic composition. The author
composed two composition including 1) “Isan Fanfare” for Trumpet Quintet (1.05) and 2) “Melody of Isan” for Brass Nonet (4.56). The compositions were published in Youtube channel, and they were rated from the audiences at high level. Keywords : music arranging, melody, Isan Folk music, Isan, Chamber music ensembles
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