Guidelines for Potential Development in Tourism Management of Amphawa Floating Market, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province


  • ปัทมา โกเมนท์จำรัส อาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาการเงิน คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


Potential, Tourism Management, Amphawa Floating Market


The research on “Guidelines for Potential Development in Tourism Management of Amphawa Floating Market, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province” aims to (1) study the Thai and foreign tourists’ behaviors who come to Amphawa Floating Market, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province for tourist purpose, (2) study the potential of tourism management in Amphawa Floating Market, (3) study guidelines of potential development of tourism management in Amphawa Floating Market for government officials, Thai and international tourism business entrepreneurs. This research is an action research which collecting data from 385 Thai people and international tourists by accidental sampling and 17 people of government officials, Thai and international tourists and business entrepreneurs by purposive sampling. The results showed that 1) the tourists’ behavior, this study found that they travel by personal cars. The interesting activity for visiting is experiencing atmosphere of the floating market. Most of information about the market are from social media. 2) The findings showed that the average potential of tourism management in overall aspects is at a good level consisting of tourist attractions, transportation, facilities and accommodations, tourism activities, tourism packages and other services. 3) The guidelines of tourism management of Amphawa Floating Market are seven issues.1. Tourist attractions, travelling by train transportation system and brochures in English and Chinese should be improved. 2. The water supply system, public toilets and Wi-Fi system should be improved. 3. The appropriateness and quality of accommodation and food should be
reasonable for the tourists, especially on weekends. 4. The cycling activities along the canal for sightseeing and tourist attractions should be improved, and the environment should be preserved and suitable for the fireflies at night. 5. The tourism package should be controlled and reasonable for the tourists. 6. Tourist information, banks, ATMs should be available for the tourists. 7. Public relations, food quality and price, public toilets and trash should be improved by both public and private sectors. Keywords : Potential, Tourism Management, Amphawa Floating Market


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How to Cite

โกเมนท์จำรัส ป. (2019). Guidelines for Potential Development in Tourism Management of Amphawa Floating Market, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province. Chophayom Journal, 30(2), 249–258. retrieved from


