The Development of English Writing Skill Exercises by Using Local Information of Maha Sarakham Province for Fourth Grade Students


  • Pennapa Matwangsaeng Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (Elementary)


Skill Exercise, Development of Exercise, English Writing Skill, Local Information


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop and access the efficiency of communicative English writing skill exercises to meet the efficiency criteria of 80/80 2) study the communicative English writing skill exercise by using local information of Maha Sarakham Province, 3) evaluate and the students’ opinion toward improve the communicative English writing skill exercise. The samples consisted of 25 fourth grade students studying during the second semester in the academic year 2019 of Maha Sarakham University Demonstration School (Elementary). The duration of the research implementation covered 16 hours by using one group pretest – posttest design. The research instrument used to collect data were 1) the communicative English writing skill exercise 2) an achievement test 3) a questionnaire inquiring student’s opinion toward the communicative
English writing skill exercise. The data were analyzed by using means, standard deviation, t-test dependent and content analysis. The results of this research were: 1. The communicative English writing skill exercise consisted of a preface, an instruction for the teachers and the students, a pretest and a posttest. Five units of practice are 1) My beloved hometown 2) My favorite food 3) My Job 4) How can I go somewhere 5) What can you do in this place?. The efficiency of the writing skill exercises met the efficiency criteria of 85.15/81.20 2. The students’ writing skill pretest and posttest outcome in English writing skill exercises was found significantly different at .05. 3. The fourth grade students revealed their positive opinions about the communicative English writing skill exercises at the high level. The students are more skillful in writing skill and better in understanding vocabulary. The average ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.81, S.D. = 0.42) Keywords: Skill Exercise, The Development of Exercise, English Writing Skill, Local Information


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How to Cite

Matwangsaeng, P. (2020). The Development of English Writing Skill Exercises by Using Local Information of Maha Sarakham Province for Fourth Grade Students. Chophayom Journal, 31(1), 90–102. retrieved from


