“Morlum Pheefah” Wisdom of treatment in Konsawan village


  • Wutthisit Jeerakamon Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Morlum Pheefah (spiritualist), Pheefah (spirit)


The objectives of the study “Morlum Pheefah” Wisdom of treatment in Konsawan village were; to study the Morlum Pheefah and the ceremony of Morlum Pheefah (spirit medium) in Konsawan village, Konsawan district, Chaiyaphum province. The data collected from 16 purposive sampling interviewers included; 6 well - informed person, 2 performers and 8 ordinary people, all of interviewer related with Lam Pheefah ceremony of Moolam Ampruan. The research instruments included the interview form, observation form. The data were collected from documentary and fieldwork. The result of the study was shown in descriptive analysis. This research found that: Mrs. Ampruan Phanthong is a Morlum Pheefah (spiritualist) who is respected in Konsawan village. She was inherited of spirit from Mrs. Cho Tangphong, her grandmother. The music instrument which used in Lum Pheefah ceremony is Caen (Laos reed mouthorgan). It is a single Caen that use to bowl for harmonizing with dance. Lai Caen (Caen tune) which the musicians used are Lai Long, Lai Lum and Lai Nokseangsaewbinsern. The treatment ceremony are included; giving or offering the betel nut, dancing for predictation, Pheefah engage respectfully, predication with egg, mind consoling and finally, dancing for consecrate and farewell that ended the ritual treatment ceremony of Lum Pheefah.


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How to Cite

Jeerakamon, W. (2020). “Morlum Pheefah” Wisdom of treatment in Konsawan village. Chophayom Journal, 31(1), 11–32. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/242275


