The Creation of Painting Theme “Bun Pha Wet”


  • Anek Phonyotha โรงเรียนราชประชานุเคราะห์


The Creation, Painting, Bun Pha Wet


The three purpose of this creative artwork thesis are as follows 1) to relayway of life and tradition, Isan Culture people it has since ancient Situated on foundation goodness of Buddhism 2) to create Thai artwork, painting, technique, Paint Acrylic on canvas to reflected emotional, feeling, amusement, unity get along well are harmoniousies Northeastern people. “twelve months Merit ”to help people munificent joint activities to the society and the village “twelve months Merit” the environment is natural. Way of life is simple. It makes the creator feel like fun. And was born and raised in Isan. It has been felt. I want to communicate the Isan tradition. The authors selected Bun Pha Wet It is a painting that gives value and a sense of merit. The great merit of the Roi-Et. The creator took the tradition of merit, which is one of twelve merit. The merit of tradition in the East to create a traditional Thai painting. With acrylic paint techniques to convey the way of people, faith in tradition. Whether it is a group of people. Costume the atmosphere in the ceremony and show the beauty of the traditions in the East. The result of the creation of this thesis. The presentation of Bhattacharya’s traditions in acrylic paintings demonstrates a unique identity in the art of composition. About the rituals in the merit. Impressive can reflect the content of the story for the purpose of creativity in all respects. To presented the works of art to the public in the form of exhibition. Keywords: The Creation, Painting, Bun Pha Wet


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How to Cite

Phonyotha, A. (2020). The Creation of Painting Theme “Bun Pha Wet”. Chophayom Journal, 31(2), 76–94. retrieved from


