Factors influencing the core competencies of government officials under the Department of Permanent Secretary for Bangkok


  • Chayaphat Aekanakha Master Degree of Business administration, Kasembundit University, Bangkok
  • tosaporn mahamud Graduate school of business administration Kasembundit University, Bangkok https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4867-4659


ปัจจัย, อิทธิพล, สมรรถนะ


Research on factors influencing the core competencies of government officials under the Department of Permanent Secretary for Bangkok. The objectives of this study are 1) to investigate the motivation for the performance of the civil servants of Bangkok, 2) to explore the core competencies of the government officials in the subordinate department of Bangkok, 3) to compare core competencies of government officials under the administration of Bangkok were classified by personal data, and 4) to study the relationship between motivation for work and core competencies of Bangkok government officials. This quantitative research employed questionnaires as a research tool. Samples consisted of 252 government officials was obtained from Taro Yamane. Statistics used were percentage, means, one-way variance test, and Pearson correlation. Data collected from questionnaires were analyzed by using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, standard deviation. It was then compared by t-test and F-test. Data collected from documents / literature / interview/ record / observation / etc. The analysis was in content form (Content Analysis) and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research revealed that the motivations of the performance of government officials under the Department of Deputy Bangkok were found that the responsibility, job success, recognition, and the nature of the work performed were at high level, 2) core competencies of government officials under the Department of Deputy Metropolitan Administration of Bangkok found were morality, ethics, teamwork, and good service quality; 3) core competencies comparison results of the government officials under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration classified by personal data were found that different personal data on sex, family status, age, work, and average monthly income had an effect on the core competencies of the civil servants under the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Bangkok; and 4) the relationship between motivation for work and the core competencies of the government officials under the Department of Deputy Bangkok found that the motivation factors for work were positively correlated to the core competencies of the civil servants under the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Bangkok were responsibility, the nature of the work performed as a whole positively correlated with the core competencies of the government officials under the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration at a moderate level of relationship, and job success and recognition positively correlated with the professional advancement at low level. Keywords: Factor, influence, performance


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How to Cite

Aekanakha, C., & mahamud, tosaporn. (2021). Factors influencing the core competencies of government officials under the Department of Permanent Secretary for Bangkok. Chophayom Journal, 32(1), 52–73. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/245784


