The Development of Marketing Strategies for Keto Shop Entrepreneur Operators in Chonburi Province
Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Keto Restaurant Business, EntrepreneurAbstract
The research is objective. To study the behavior of consumers affecting the factors of marketing ingredients in choosing the service and determining the strategy of keto restaurants in Chonburi province, the population of Chonburi province was 1,316,293 people. The sample group was 400 customers who used Tito restaurants. People How to select a simple sample group questionnaire tool Data were analyzed statistically, frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation. and regression analysis The results showed that Most of the samples were aged 20-30 years, 283 people representing 70.8% had a bachelor's degree, 216 people accounted for 45.5%, were employed in a company/private corporation, 203 people accounted for 50.7%, income 10,000- 20,000 baht, 205 people, or 51.2 percent. Marketing strategies of keto shop operators. In Chonburi province as a whole, it was found that the opinions were at a high level, the mean was equal to 4.06, the standard deviation was 0.78. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects, which were sorted from the most average to the most. the least as follows: on the product side Their opinions were at a high level, the mean was 4.16, the standard deviation was 0.73, followed by the environment and the physical being at a high level, the mean was 4.13, the standard deviation was 0.74, and the personal aspect was at a high level, the mean was 4.13, the standard deviation is 0.68, the distribution location is at a high level, the mean is 4.11, the standard deviation is 0.77, the service process is at a high level, the mean is 4.09, the standard deviation is 0.76, the price is At a high level, the mean was 4.05, the standard deviation was 0.80, and the marketing promotion was the mean was 3.87, the standard deviation was 0.94, respectively.
Keywords: Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Keto Restaurant Business, Entrepreneur
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