Factors of Self-Regulation Affecting Information Literacy of Students in the Faculty of Education, Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups
information literacy, self-regulation, students in faculty of education, factors, influencesAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) To study the factors of self-regulation affected the information literacy of students in the Faculty of Education of Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups. 2) To study the influence of self- regulation in information literacy of students in the Faculty of Education of Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups. The sample consisted of 408 students who studied in the Faculty of Education of Rattanakosin Rajabhat University Groups, academic year 2020. The research instrument was a questionnaire. It was found that there were three factors of self-regulation affected the information literacy of students as follows; personal factor, environmental factor and behavioral factor statistically significance (F = 128.60, p <.001). The influence of self- regulation in information literacy of students found that self – regulation in information literacy of students correlated to the information literacy statistically significance (r = .69, p <.01)
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