The Factors Influence on Enforcement of Community Rules for Non-Smoking Health Protection in Sub-Urban Udon Thani Province


  • Sungkom suparatanagool Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Thanamontachanok Prompinij Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Piyabhorn Phawchamnan Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Enforcement of community rules, Protection for non-smoking health, Sub-urban


This study aimed to examine the levels of factors used for
forecasting enforcement of community rules and to investigate the factors influencing on the enforcement of community rules for protection on health of non-smoking people in sub-urban, Udon Thani. The research was a survey research collecting data via questionnaires with the 259 representatives of households from the accidental sampling under the limitation of age that had to be older than 15 years old, from March, 2020 to January, 2021. The data were analyzed by using Path Analysis with LISREL program. The result revealed that the factors for forecasting the enforcement of the community rule were as follows: community leaders who were human media as non-smoking model in public area (gif.latex?^{\bar{X}} =2.60; SD.=0.62); cooperation of shops in the community by refusing to sell
cigarette to whomever aged under 20 (gif.latex?^{\bar{X}} =2.71; SD.=0.53); campaign for smoking-free community acknowledgement (gif.latex?^{\bar{X}} =2.62; SD.=0.58); and not smoking in prohibit areas by the enforcement of community rules (gif.latex?^{\bar{X}} =2.71; SD.=0.55). The factors which influenced the enforcement of community rules for non-smoking person’s health protection in sub-urban consisted of the public relation and communication (gif.latex?\gamma =0.55; T-value > 2.58), community store participating (gif.latex?\beta =0.85; T-value > 2.58), and recognition on community rules (gif.latex?\beta =-0.24; T-value > 1.96). The recognition on community rules was directly influenced by the reflection of the enforcement of community rules (gif.latex?\beta =0.80; T-value <1.96). Furthermore, enforcement of community rules was also influenced indirectly by the community store participating
(gif.latex?\beta =-0.24; T-value > 1.96) and another through recognition on community rules. All mentioned factors could forecast the enforcement of community rules for non-smoking people’s health protection at 47.0 (R2=0.47)


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How to Cite

suparatanagool, S., Prompinij, T., & Phawchamnan, P. (2022). The Factors Influence on Enforcement of Community Rules for Non-Smoking Health Protection in Sub-Urban Udon Thani Province. Chophayom Journal, 33(1), 46–64. Retrieved from


