Factors Effecting Operating Employee’s Making Decision to Work in Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


  • Makkawa Yeesarapat Personnel Management Division, Office of the President, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Factors, Effecting, Decision Making, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


This research aimed to study factors effecting decision making of operating employees in working for Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. The sample group for this research were applicants who applied for jobs during fiscal year 2016 – 2017. The size of sample group was determined using the Krejcie and Morgan table (Krejcie and Morgan 1970 : 607-610). Stratified Random Sampling was used to select the 138 samples. The research study concluded the following: 1. General information of the respondents 58.12 percent of the respondents were female and 41.88 were male. 55.17 percent were under 30 years of age and 40.58 were in the ages of 31-40. Most of the respondents—62.56 percent—were single. 63.77 percent of the respondents had a master’s degree, while 21.01 had a doctoral, 7.97 bachelor’s or equivalent, and 7.25 lower, respectively. 2. Factors effecting decision making of operating employees in working for Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University The respondents’ opinions on the factors effecting their decisions, overall, were at the highest level (gif.latex?x\bar{}= 4.53, S.D. = 0.24). Gathering from the results of all the factors, at the highest level were 5 factors: compensation and welfare, career stability, career development, reputation of organization, and organizational values, in descending order. 3 factors were at high level: workplace relationship, work nature, and self-development and learning opportunities, respectively. 3. Suggestions from the respondents towards the factors effecting their decision making in working for Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. Top 3 of the respondents’ suggestions were, employees’pay rates allocated from both the university’s income and the government budgets should be appropriately and equally paid—45.05 percent, more appropriate annual pay rate promotion policies should be established—20.88 percent, and result-based work performance needs to be emphasized, 9.89 percent respectively. Keywords: Factors, Effecting, Decision Making, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


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How to Cite

Yeesarapat, M. (2022). Factors Effecting Operating Employee’s Making Decision to Work in Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. Chophayom Journal, 33(2), 108–124. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/261337



Research Article