The Creative Visionary Academic Leadership and School Management in Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • Ratchawinch Phunaha Faculty of Education Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Ntapat Worapongpat Knowledge Transfer Center, Technology, Community Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Education Corresponding Author


academic leadership, school administrators, creative management, vision


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the creative leadership of school administrators. 2) to study the management level of school administrators and 3) to compare the management of creative leadership of school administrators under the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office, classifying work experience and the size of the school 4) to study the relationship between creative leadership and the management of school administrators under the Office of Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area. It was a quantitative research. The sample group consisted of teachers and school administrators under the Office of Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office in the academic year 2022, from 55 schools, which was calculated by using the
Yamane formula to determine the size of the sample. The sample was divided into 3 sizes, namely, small, medium, and large. 384 samples were randomly selcted classified according to the criterion of institute size division and set proportional size. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics
consisting of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and compared by t-test and F-statistic test (F-test) Pearson simple correlation analysis was used to see correlation. The results showed that: 1) creative imagination and academic management in budget management, personnel management and general administration was at high level; 2) vision and academic administration, budget management, personnel management and general administration at a high level; 3) all aspects were not different except personnel
management and general administration are different; and
4) the school administrators' management had a positive
relationship with the creative leadership of school administrators in all aspects. with a high level of correlation. In descending order as follows; academic administration, personnel management, general administration, and budget management. Keywords: Academic leadership, School administrators, Creative management, Vision

Author Biography

Ntapat Worapongpat, Knowledge Transfer Center, Technology, Community Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Education Corresponding Author



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How to Cite

Phunaha, R., & Worapongpat, N. (2023). The Creative Visionary Academic Leadership and School Management in Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Chophayom Journal, 34(1), 67–85. Retrieved from



Research Article