The Economic Development ฺBased on Resource Capital and Culture with Creative Tourism Ban Non Than, Kut Pladuk Sub-District, Chuen Chom District, Maha Sarakham Province


  • Kochtamon Wongkam Hotel and Tourism Program, Faculty of Management Science, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Tourism Economic Development, Tourism Resource, Cultural Tourism, Creative Tourism


This study aimed to (1) explore the needs, resource capital and cultural capital that lead to creative tourism management (2) develop creative tourism management model in order to improve and boost the economy based on resource capital and cultural capital at Ban Non Than, Kut Pladuk Subdistrict, Chuen Chom District, Maha Sarakham Province. This study used qualitative research methods and community involvement from 100 key informants through a process of interviews, group discussions and SWOT Analysis, which leads to the development of a creative tourism management model. The results revealed that (1) the community has needs, resource capital and cultural capital at a high level (2) the development of a creative tourism model involving SWOT Analysis lead to scheduling activities, accommodations, food services, performance and creative tourism management. The core of creative tourism management is “REAL” where tourists can learn about resource capital and cultural capital through hands-on experience, leading to understanding and spiritual appreciation which is a characteristic of locals, along with learning new things and endlessly increasing potential. The community can live their lives as usual without changes in order to support tourism, be existent and have a unique identity that is different from other communities, including relation, connection, activities participation and traveling all year round—not necessary to wait for the festival. It is a travel that focuses on learning, experience and the creation of new works, which can attract tourists to travel and generate income for the community for further sustainable development. Keywords: Tourism Economic Development, Tourism Resource, Cultural Tourism, Creative Tourism


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How to Cite

Wongkam, K. (2023). The Economic Development ฺBased on Resource Capital and Culture with Creative Tourism Ban Non Than, Kut Pladuk Sub-District, Chuen Chom District, Maha Sarakham Province. Chophayom Journal, 34(2), 127–150. retrieved from



Research Article