The Relationship between Marketing Communication Strategy and Service Decision Making towards The Alternative Coffee Shop for Working Age in Chonburi Province


  • Pamika Kraprayoon Master of Communication Art Program in Strategic Communications, Bangkok University
  • Pornprom Chomngam School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University


Marketing Communication Strategies, Service Decision Making, Alternative Coffee Shop


The study of the relationship between marketing communication strategy and service decision making towards the alternative coffee shop for working age in Chonburi province aims to investigate 1) marketing communication strategy for alternative coffee shop in Chonburi province, 2) service decision making towards the alternative coffee shop of working age in Chonburi province, and 3) relationship between marketing communication strategy and service decision making towards the alternative coffee shop for working age in Chonburi province. The sample consisted of 149 males and females, aged 25-60 years old who had visited an alternative coffee shop in Chonburi province. Questionnaire is a tool for data collection. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistics was used to analyze the data.
The study found that 1) marketing communication strategy for alternative coffee shop consisted of 1.1) Personal selling as most samplings prioritized the employees being hospitable and enthusiastic in service, 1.2) Sales promotion as most samplings prioritize the promotion of buy one get one free, 1.3) Publicity and Public Relations as most samplings prioritize the introduction and conveying of the coffee shop's identity via social media channels, 1.4) Direct marketing as most samplings prioritize informing promotions to membered customers of the alternative coffee shop via Line Official, and 1.5) Advertising when most samplings prioritize the advertisement on Facebook.
2) Service decision making towards the alternative coffee shop comprised of 2.1) Purchase Decision as most samplings prioritize good taste which is unique, 2.2) Post Purchase Behavior when most samplings return to the same alternative coffee shop again in the future, 2.3) Need Recognition considered by most samplings intending to use the alternative coffee shop service in order to boost the body's freshness for daily work, 2.4) Evaluation of Alternatives happened when most samplings have already evaluated that alternative coffee is a special beverage different from other shops, 2.5) Information Search when most samplings find the alternative coffee shop information from other known people who have already used the service
3) Marketing communication strategy is related to service decision making towards the alternative coffee shop statistically significant at the 0.01 level.
Keywords: Marketing Communication Strategies, Service Decision Making, Alternative Coffee Shop


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How to Cite

Kraprayoon, P., & Chomngam, P. (2023). The Relationship between Marketing Communication Strategy and Service Decision Making towards The Alternative Coffee Shop for Working Age in Chonburi Province. Chophayom Journal, 34(3), 219–243. Retrieved from