Improving Reading Skill and Thai Final consonants of Pratomsuksa 3 Students at Banmonsongkor School Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 by Using Reading and Writing Exercises on Thai Final Consonants Unit


  • Chettha Chakchai Thai Language Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Taweechai Praseerata Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 12


Development, Reading and Writing, Final Consonants, learning exercises, Prathomsuksa 3 Students


The objectives of this research were to 1) improve reading skill and writing final consonants of Prathomsuksa 3 students with an efficiency of 80/80 2) to improve learning achievement on Thai subjects of Prathomsuksa 3 students and 3) to estimate Prathomsuksa 3 students’ satisfaction of Thai learning exercises on writing final consonants unit created by the researchers. The target population consisted of 12 students of Prathomsuksa 3 at Banmonsongkor School during the second semester of academic year 2022. The innovative instruments for the study included 10 books of Thai learning exercises. The tools used for data collection consisted of 20 lesson plans of Thai learning exercises. A learning achievement test with the reliability of 0.95 and the discrimination index between 0.38-0.69. The satisfaction questionnaire with the reliability of 0.96. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, means, and standard deviation.
The results of the study revealed that 1) reading skill and writing final consonants of Prathomsuksa 3 students has an efficiency value of 83.69/91.45 which was higher than the set threshold of 80/80; 2) learning achievement measured by reading skill and writing final consonants exercises analyzed by an English learning achievement test that the result compared score in the analytical thinking ability post-test was higher than pre-test significantly at the 0.05 level different, and 3) Prathomsuksa 3 students’ satisfaction toward Thai learning exercises is at high level when ranged from the top three highest satisfaction as knowledge and understanding that students can actually use in their daily lives, students can understand the content faster, and the level of the knowledge and understanding of the content gained was similar to learning from teachers.
Keywords: Development, Reading and Writing, Final Consonants,
Learning Exercises, Prathomsuksa 3 Students


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How to Cite

Chakchai, C., & Praseerata, T. (2023). Improving Reading Skill and Thai Final consonants of Pratomsuksa 3 Students at Banmonsongkor School Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 by Using Reading and Writing Exercises on Thai Final Consonants Unit. Chophayom Journal, 34(3), 127–151. Retrieved from