The Development of Electronic Book in Poetry Writing for Students of Rangsit University


  • Rapeephan Petchanankul College of Liberal Arts, Rangsit University


E-Book, Poetry Writing, Rangsit University


The purposes of this research were to develop an E-book for the Poetry Writing course, to study the learning achievement and to survey students’satisfaction after using The E-book. The research samples of this study were 12 undergraduate students of Rangsit University who enrolled in Poetry Writing subject (THA 312) in the semester 1 of the academic year 2022. They were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used in this research were as follows: 1) the E-book for the Poetry Writing. 2) Pretest and Posttest and 3) Questionnaire asking students’ opinions. The research was conducted by having students to try out the E-book for the Poetry Writing. The data were collected and analyzed by the use of mean, percentage, standard deviation and T-test.
The results of this research indicated that the E-book for the Poetry Writing course has the efficiency value of 81.25/82.78 level which met the standard criteria. The average scores of the achievement of students after using the E-book were higher than before using the E-book are significantly different at .05, and the students’ satisfaction from studying the E-book in overall was good. Study findings suggest that this E-book for the Poetry Writing course can be used to broaden the knowledge of students.

Keywords: E-Book, Poetry Writing, Rangsit University

Author Biography

Rapeephan Petchanankul, College of Liberal Arts, Rangsit University

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) KU., Master of Education (M.Ed.) CU., Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) TU


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How to Cite

Petchanankul, R. (2024). The Development of Electronic Book in Poetry Writing for Students of Rangsit University. Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 121–138. Retrieved from



Research Article