Development of a Handbook for the Supervision of Primary School Teachers in Maha Sarakham Province Parcticipating in the Language and Professional Competencies Development Project


  • Narongrit Sopa Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Nikorn Pattalaka Master of Education Program in Educational Research and Evaluaiion


Handbook for the Suppervision, Primary School Teachers, Maha Sarakham Province, Language and Professional Competencies Development


The major objectives of the research were to 1) develop a handbook for the supervision of primary school teachers in Maha Sarakham Province participating in the language competency development and professional competency development project, 2) assess quality of the handbook for the supervision of primary school teachers in Maha Sarakham Province, 3) develop intruments relating to instructional management of the primary school teachers in Maha Sarakham Province, and 4) assess quality of the instruments relating to instructional management of the primary school teachers in Maha Sarakham Province. The target population was two experts in English, two experts in curriculum and instruction and one expert in educational supervision. They were selected by purposive sampling technique. Research instrument included a handbook for the supervision, an assessment form of handbook quality, instruments relating to instructional management and an assessment form of the instruments relating to instructional amanagement. Data was collected by documentary studies and assessment of the handbook and instruments for educational supervision. The data was analysed through statistical procedures: mean and standard deviation. The research results showed that 1) the handbook for the supervision consisted of four parts: 1) introduction, 2) literature reviews, 3) procedures of the supervision and 4) instrument for the supervision. 2) The findings indicated that the average accuracy and appropriateness of the handbook for the primary school teachers in Maha Sarakham Province parcticipating in the language competency development and professional development project was at avery high level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.80 S.D. = .66). 3) The research findings showd that the instruments relating to instructional management consisted of lesson plans, an assessment form of learning test and evaluation, an observation form of teacher’s speech behavior, an checklist observation form of learning management and an rating observation form of learning management behavior. The findings indicated that the average accuracy and appropriateness of the instruments relating to instructional management for the primary school teachers in Maha Sarakham Province was at a very high level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.91 S.D. = .66)

Keywords: Handbook for the Supervision, Primary School Teachers, Maha Sarakham Province, Language and Professional Competencies Development


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How to Cite

Sopa, N., & Pattalaka, N. (2024). Development of a Handbook for the Supervision of Primary School Teachers in Maha Sarakham Province Parcticipating in the Language and Professional Competencies Development Project. Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 88–120. Retrieved from



Research Article