Happy Organization in Schools Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Porntip Thongwiset Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Supawadee Lapcharoen Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University


happy organization, happy organization in schools, happiness in working


The objectives of this research are to study and compare teachers' opinion about happy organization in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 classified by the qualifications, teaching experience, and school group. The sample groups used in this research are teachers in schools under the Educational Service Area Office 1, in the academic year of 2023. The stratified sampling method was used based on the tables of Cohen with a total of 357 samples. The research instrument was a 5-level scale questionnaire with 42 items. The index of item Objective Congruence (IOC) was found between 0.8-1.00. The discriminant power values for every item were 0.20 or higher .and The reliability obtained from finding Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was equal to .977. The statistics used in the data analyses include frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Independent Sample t-test for data classified by academic rank and One-way ANOVA for data classified by work experience and school group. If it is found that there is a statistical significant difference at the .05 level, the difference in mean scores will be compared by pair using Scheffe's post hoc comparisons method
The research findings are as follows: 1) Teachers have positive overall perception on the happy organization in schools under the Educational Service Area Office 1, overall and in each aspect at a high level. It is arranged in the hierarchy level from the highest to the lowest; knowledge and love for learning, compassion, happy and harmonious social environment, moral integrity, good health, supportive family, prudent financial management, and relaxation. 2) The results of comparing teachers’ opinion regarding the happy organization in schools under the Educational Service Area Office 1 are as follows: 2.1 Teachers with different academic qualifications share a similar overall perception of the happy organization in schools under the Educational Service Area Office 1. There is no significant difference overall and in each aspect. 2.2 Teachers with work experiences share a similar overall perception of the happy organization in schools under the Educational Service Area Office 1. There is no significant difference overall and in each aspect. 2.3 Teachers working in different groups of schools have varying opinions regarding the happy organization in schools under the Educational Service Area Office 1, overall and in each aspect. The significant difference was at the .05 level.

Keywords: happy organization, happy organization in schools, happiness in working


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How to Cite

Thongwiset, P., & Lapcharoen, S. (2024). Happy Organization in Schools Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1. Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 165–190. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/272334



Research Article