Creative Performance as Amarin Sakka Chetiyachulamani


  • Ketkanokwan Dongyen Dramatic Arts and Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Jadesada Ludondom Dramatic Arts and Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Thanawut Srikhumlek Dramatic Arts and Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Arthitaya Rodkerd Dramatic Arts and Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Pimwalan Polhong Dramatic Arts and Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Creative dance, Amarin Sakka Chetiyachulamani


This research aims to present the story of Phra Chulamani pagoda in the heavenly stars through the process of creating works in Isan folk dance, Amarin Sakka Chetiyachulamani series. It is qualitative and creative research. Gather information by collecting information from related documents, research methods, tools, population and groups of informants. The research results found that Amarin Sakka Chetiyachulamani performance Inspired by the journey of Indra and his followers to pay homage to Phra Chulamani pagoda by bringing fried rice, incense sticks, candles, incense, lamps and offerings. Including bringing musical instruments to play and make offerings around the pagoda through the creative process of dance to make it visible and concrete, creating a performance piece with elements, namely dance steps that the creator had designed newly by using a total of 36 actors, the performance is divided into 3 parts. The first part will show the meeting at the Suthammathevassapa hall in order to pay homage Phra Chulamani pagoda. The second part will show the procession of Lord Indra and his followers coming to pay homage to Phra Chulamani pagoda. And the last part will show the fanfare playing music for offerings and the moral teachings of Phra Chulamani pagoda. Lord Buddha Dress in new clothing designed by the creator and beautiful makeup in the style of dancing, dancing, and general dancing. Performance equipment includes high instruments and Lan Chang-style worship equipment. Isan musical instruments and use the melody of Isan music patterns mixed with traditional music.

Keywords: Creative dance, Amarin Sakka Chetiyachulamani


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How to Cite

Dongyen, K., Ludondom, J., Srikhumlek, T., Rodkerd, A., & Polhong, P. (2024). Creative Performance as Amarin Sakka Chetiyachulamani. Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 45–62. Retrieved from



Research Article