Creation of Works in The Field of Dance Nom Sak Ka Bang Ja Put Ta Jao


  • Pimwalan Polhong Dramatic Arts And Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Maha Sarakham Ratjabhat University
  • Phongyutthichat Namassila Dramatic Arts And Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Maha Sarakham Ratjabhat University
  • Nattawut Tumanan Dramatic Arts And Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Maha Sarakham Ratjabhat University
  • Nachchaorn Palapa Dramatic Arts And Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Maha Sarakham Ratjabhat University
  • Wachiraporn Butsan Dramatic Arts And Drama Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Maha Sarakham Ratjabhat University


Creation, Dance, Nom sak ka bang ja put ta jao


The purpose of this research is to convey folk literature on the legend of the Five Buddhas through the process of creating a performance in the form of dance, Nom Sak Kar Peng Cha Buddha Chao, which is research based on data collection from the study of book documents. Lanna and Lanchang Tripitaka Textbook research Literary Tales Isan literature Thai Isan Poem Moral Prayer Social media and went to the area of Wat Phra Yot Khun Phon Wiang Ka Long, Wiang Ka Long Subdistrict, Wiang Pa Pao District, Chiang Rai Province to interview people with knowledge about the legend of the 5 Buddhas by interviewing 2 experts using a specific selection method. The obtained data was then analyzed and entered into the dance creation process. The research results found that 1) folk literature on the legend of the 5 Buddhas that are outstanding in the principles of the teachings of the Lord Buddha, 2) the Yi Peng tradition of lighting the lantern of the Teen Ka worship of Thao Khatika Maha Phrom and the tradition of lighting the fire of Tumka. To guide the creation of works of Isaan folk dance. This will integrate knowledge in research and the creation of works of dance to create value for literature and spread Buddhism in concrete ways.

Keywords: Creation, Dance, Nom sak ka bang ja put ta jao


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How to Cite

Polhong, P., Namassila, P., Tumanan, N., Palapa, N., & Butsan, W. (2024). Creation of Works in The Field of Dance Nom Sak Ka Bang Ja Put Ta Jao. Chophayom Journal, 35(2), 165–185. Retrieved from



Research Article