Memory Fluctuation : The Representation of Memorial Imagery


  • Aekawat Deeto Visual Arts Program, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University


Human’s memory, Fluctuating memory, Representative image of memories, Role of memory


There is always fluctuations in human’s “memory”. It depends on each person's life experience that consists of different complexities for each individual. From the study of the theoretical principles of human memory, it was found that memories come in many forms. The important factor is time and space that can be the cause for memories to be reversed or fluctuate. From the analysis of the human’s subconscious mind that consists of various different things piling within, it results that memories can influence the person to constantly interact with outsiders in terms of emotions. This creates an abstract meaning through the context of memories combining with individual experiences to find the value of a story, content, and meaning that relates to the original outline. This
creates a unified appearance that overlaps between the past and the present, which are completely integrated together. Therefore, the representative image is an important element to replace the things that have vanished throughout time. This was then brought into consideration to reflect the imagery of memories to illustrate in the form of songs, movies, literature, and including creative works of art with the intention of reflecting emotions and feelings through the aesthetics of life and to fill its existence within the empty space of the mind by studying the theories of human memory. This method inspired various forms of art and collected information from articles, journals, magazines, and online media to be analyzed in the form of expression through visual art.

Keyword: Human’s memory, Fluctuating memory, Representative image of memories, Role of memory


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How to Cite

Deeto, A. (2024). Memory Fluctuation : The Representation of Memorial Imagery. Chophayom Journal, 35(2), 272–294. Retrieved from



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