The relationship between humans and nature in the anthology “Writing the Land” by Naowarat Phongpaiboon : Analysis from Ecocritical Approach


  • Thanakorn Jewsuwan Department of Thai language Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University
  • Suwannee Thaongrod Department of Thai language Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University


Human and Nature, Ecocriticism, Poetry, Kian Paen Din


This article aims to study the relationship between humans and nature in poetry. “Writing the Land” by Naowarat Phongpaiboon according to the guidelines for studying ecocritical literature. The results of the study found relationships between humans and nature in 5 characteristics: 1) Relationships in such a way Humans adapt to nature 2) Relationships in such a way Humans control nature 3) Relationships in such a way Nature harms humans 4) Relationships in such a way Humans destroy nature 5) Relationships in such a way Humans yearn for nature in the rural way. At the same time, it also shows that natural disaster events are all a result of human behavior. including encroachment and destruction of natural areas or the development of industries that release wastewater and greenhouse gases causing nature to be unbalanced. Various disasters That happened is therefore a clear indicator of the effects of destructionhuman nature This is because humans and nature are connected and interact together to form a bond of life that cannot be separated. When something changes, it has an impact on life on Earth that depends on nature

Keyword : Human and Nature, Ecocriticism, Poetry, Kian Paen Din


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How to Cite

Jewsuwan, T., & Thaongrod, S. . (2024). The relationship between humans and nature in the anthology “Writing the Land” by Naowarat Phongpaiboon : Analysis from Ecocritical Approach. Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 63–87. Retrieved from



Research Article