Creativities of Mixed Media Art: State of Mind


  • Thirayut Saengart Master of Fine Arts Program in Visual Arts, Faculty of Fine-Applied Arts and Cultural Sciences, Mahasarakham University
  • Adool Booncham Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Fine-Applied Arts and Cultural Sciences, Mahasarakham University
  • Kanokwan Nithirattapat Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Fine-Applied Arts and Cultural Sciences, Mahasarakham University


Mixed media art, State of mind, Social interaction


The creation of mixed media art series “State of Mind” aims 1) to study and analyze the researcher's inner feelings with social interactions, and 2) to create mixed media art using form, materials and techniques to communicate the inner state of the researcher. Data were collected from related literature and field studies using observation, analyze data to create works. The findings were presented by means of a descriptive analysis with mixed media art. The results found that the emotional state of the creator who has known that he or she has a third gender mentality since childhood without being accepted by family members and surrounding society. It can be interpreted as loneliness and anonymity which led to hide oneself in silence. The creativity begins with making sketches to find forms and artistic possibilities to convey meaning. The actual creation of the work uses a variety of methods combined with the install of personal items. The analysis of the work is as follows: 1) Theme and concept analysis was set the content to loneliness and hideaway in silence, 2) Form used the human form which represented the creator, and combined forms were made from yarn to form a mosquito net in the upper part. Then gather and braid it into a braid from the middle to the bottom, 3) Material and technique used the materials as a medium to convey the message directly by considering about the concept, 4) Installation and presentation created specific areas for creating the uniqueness of each work, however; the overall work still maintains unity.
The results of creativity of the four works are systematically. They are assembled from the based ideas and knowledge in presenting signs as a medium for conveying messages to the audience's perception in a straightforward manner. According to the language of forms, visual elements, materials, and installation effectively convey the meaning and feeling of the fragility, sensitivity, and blurry form. In the middle of the quiet corner of living life with the society around us that is the anonymity of the researcher in the
world that grows and continues to exist every moment.

Keywords: Mixed media art, State of mind, Social interaction


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How to Cite

Saengart , T., Booncham, A., & Nithirattapat, K. (2024). Creativities of Mixed Media Art: State of Mind. Chophayom Journal, 35(2), 73–99. Retrieved from



Research Article