The Credibility of Reporters on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' Show Impact on Satisfaction of Gen Y Viewers in Bangkok
reporters, Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show, viewers’satisfaction, Gen YAbstract
The study on the credibility of reporters on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show impact on satisfaction of Gen Y viewers in Bangkok aims to achieve the following objectives: 1) To examine the credibility of reporters on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show; 2) To study the satisfaction of Gen Y viewers in Bangkok towards 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show; 3) To investigate the relationship between the credibility of reporters on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show and satisfaction of Gen Y viewers in Bangkok. The sample for this study consists of 231 male and female Gen Y viewers, aged 21-37, residing in Bangkok. Questionnaires were used as the data collection tool, and the data was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics.
The results revealed that: 1) The majority of the respondents consider expertise to be the most important factor contributing to the credibility of reporters on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show. Viewers feel confident in the reporters who use specialized knowledge in investigating the facts of the news content, citing references to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, along with the extensive experience accumulated by the reporters, which further enhances viewer trust. 2) The majority of respondents emphasize the importance of surveillance. They are satisfied with the news presented on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show, as it is up-to-date and follows current trends, helping viewers stay informed, stay in the social loop, be aware of people, and avoid becoming victims of society. 3) The credibility of reporters on 'Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show affecting on the satisfaction of Gen Y viewers in Bangkok, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
Keywords: reporters, Zach Lao Mouth Khaow' show, viewers' satisfaction, Gen Y
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