Language Errors Analysis in Video Projects by Vietnamese Exchange Students in a Short Course at Udon Thani Rajabhat University


  • Asadang Suwanpakdee Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Narakorn Janlawong Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Pitchayanin Inla Language Center, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Thailand


EFL, Pronunciation errors, Grammar errors, Lexical errors, Exchange students


This study examines language errors in video projects produced by Vietnamese exchange students, focusing on pronunciation, grammatical, and lexical challenges. Employing a qualitative-descriptive design, the analysis reveals that pronunciation errors, such as consonant mispronunciations and sound omissions, are the most frequent, reflecting the influence of native language phonology. Grammatical errors, primarily in sentence structure and verb tense, underscore the impact of syntactic differences between Vietnamese and English, while lexical errors, though less frequent, highlight the need for contextual vocabulary knowledge. Findings emphasize the importance of targeted instruction in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary to enhance spoken English proficiency among Vietnamese learners. These insights not only address the challenges posed by language transfer but also contribute to the development of effective ESL teaching strategies, equipping educators to better support Vietnamese and similar EFL learners in overcoming language acquisition barriers.

Keywords: EFL, Pronunciation errors, Grammar errors, Lexical errors, Exchange students


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How to Cite

Suwanpakdee, A., Janlawong, N., & Inla, P. (2024). Language Errors Analysis in Video Projects by Vietnamese Exchange Students in a Short Course at Udon Thani Rajabhat University. Chophayom Journal, 35(3), 262–281. retrieved from