นาย ชัชวาล ธำรงอาจริยกุล
Intercultural Competence, Work Engagement, International School Bangkok, School Engagement.บทคัดย่อ
Despite the fact that intercultural competence and work engagement seemed to have the potential to predict organizational success, few researchers had looked into their relationship. The link between intercultural competence and work engagement was investigated using online survey results from 247 teachers at a large International School in Bangkok. One-way ANOVA and post-hoc analysis were used to examine relationship between intercultural competence and work engagement, and to examine the mean differences between groups respectively. The school offered a multi-cultural environment for both students and teachers, necessitating intercultural competence in order for everyone to blend in. Results revealed that teachers from various places of origin had varying degrees of intercultural competence and intercultural competence was significantly linked to work engagement.
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