The Development Needs of Workplace Instructors for Dual Vocational Education (DVE)
Competency, Development needs, Dual Vocational Education, Training, Workplace instructorsบทคัดย่อ
Thailand had a limitation on the quality of its workforce. Studies had shown that the highest-demanded middle-level skilled labor quality did not meet market requirements. To confront this problem, one strategy companies use was partnering in dual vocational education (DVE) and training vocational students in practical skills. However, employees who trained students in these programs were initially not teachers or education specialists. Therefore, there might be some missing areas in their competency development needed to promote students’ training outcomes. This study aimed to explore the competency development needs of workplace instructors under a public vocational college network in Bangkok, Thailand. The studied competencies were based on the dual vocational education concept and were grouped into four domains namely, occupational practice, attitude, DVE management, and learning management. The competency development needs were explored by comparing current and desirable states of development from a survey questionnaire from 384 workplace instructors and 18 college supervisors. The study revealed the highest need to develop competency in the Occupational Practice domain (PNImodified = 0.4977) which was to apply professional knowledge and skill into practice. The second-highest need was to develop competencies in the Learning Management domain (PNImodified = 0.4950) which were to measure and evaluate learning and to analyze trainees. Although further research was required to identify suitable training methods, findings suggested companies support workplace instructors for acquiring more pedagogical skills and applying new knowledge and technologies into practice.
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