Learning Model How Stakeholders Could Improve the Quality of Life of Cambodian Migrant Workers Working and Living in Thailand


  • Chanrasmey Lay Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Fuangarun Preededilok Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Amornwich Nakornthap


Learning model, Cambodian migrant workers, Quality of life, Stakeholders


This paper aimed to study the current situation of Cambodian migrant workers working and living in Thailand and to propose a Learning Model to improve the quality of their lives. The data was collected quantitatively and qualitatively from the survey and in-depth interview.  The sample for the survey was 100 Cambodian migrant workers who were purposively selected from four areas namely (1) Bangkok
(2) Pathumthani (3) Chonburi and (4) Samut Prakarn. In addition, the informants for the interview were nine stakeholders consisting of two government officials, one representative of civil society, one local community authority, one representative of worker recruiting companies and four Cambodian migrant workers. Data obtained from the survey was analyzed using descriptive statistic while that obtained from the in-depth interview was analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results indicated that most of the Cambodian migrant workers lived in difficult situation. However, their living condition varied mainly depending on legal status and the types of employment. To upgrade their living standards, the learning model was proposed in which stakeholders, including local community, employers, civil societies and recruiting agencies collaboratively contribute to the Cambodian migrant workers in terms of the improvement of language, technology, attitude, networking, social integration in order to improve their health care, well-being and access to the information.



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