Relationship between Success and Failure Attributions and Self-Efficacy of Chinese ELF Junior High School Students with Different English Proficiency Levels
This study aimed at 1) comparing the levels of students’ success and failure attributions and
self-efficacy in English language learning among the students with different levels of English language proficiency and 2) investigating the relationship between success and failure attributions, and
self-efficacy among Chinese junior high school students. The success and failure attributions were categorized into two aspects: The internal attributions associated with ability and effort and the external attributions associated with luck and context. One hundred and ten junior high school students at a school in Shizong, China were voluntarily recruited for the research. The study was a correlational study and supported by a qualitative study based on a semi-structured interview. The results revealed that 1) high and medium English proficiency students showed high internal attributions while Low English proficiency students displayed moderate internal attributions ( = 4.35, 3.69 and 2.82 SD = 1.19, 1.18 and 1.24, respectively) and self-efficacy of high and medium English proficiency students showed high level of self-efficacy while low English proficiency students displayed low self-efficacy ( = 3.90, 3.56 and 2.44 SD = 0.84, 1.01 and 1.02, respectively). External attributions were moderate across all English proficiency levels. 2) The correlation between success and failure attributions and self-efficacy varied among students with different levels of English proficiency. The data from the semi-interviews provided some evidence to support the results of the questionnaire.
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