Developing a Conceptual Framework or Private Primary School Academic Management to Enhance Students’ Design Thinking Skills
Design thinking skills, Academic management, Primary studentsบทคัดย่อ
This study aims to develop conceptual frameworks of private school academic management and design thinking skills in primary students. The investigation began with a review of related concepts from literature and research, followed by a synthesis of concepts to form conceptual frameworks for design thinking skills and academic management. The conceptual framework was drafted and then evaluated to confirm suitability by five purposively selected experts, using the Conceptual Framework Suitability Evaluation Form. The data was collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
The findings indicated that the conceptual framework for private primary schools' academic management to enhance students’ design thinking skills consists of two parts that work together: 1) design thinking has five main stages consisting of empathy, defining problem, ideation, prototyping, and testing and thirteen skills as follows: research skill, observation skill, questioning skill, active listening skill, analyzing skill, synthesizing skill, reasoning skill, imaginative thinking skill, brainstorming skill, visualization/illustration skill, construction skill, experimenting skill, and reflection skill; and 2) academic management has four main works including curriculum development, teaching and learning, assessment and evaluation, and educational resources and learning environment development with ten sub-works in total.
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