The Evaluation and Review of Operational Status of the Shrines, Nonprofit Organization under the Ministry of Interior’s Rule


  • Wutthichai Arakpothchong
  • Pornchai Dhappanya
  • Somboon Sirisunhirun


Evaluation; Nonprofit Organization; Shrines


The purposes of this research were to evaluate and review the operational status of the shrines, nonprofit organization under the Ministry of Interior’s rule. This qualitative research was analyzed with related documents and in-depth interview with three group of key informants with purposive selection; 1) 12 administrative committees of the shrines under the Ministry of Interior’s rule whose operational performance were continually awarded the national excellent shrines by the Department of Provincial Administration and whose excellent operational performance were suggested by the Department of Provincial Administration throughout the country, 2) two executive boards of the Department of Provincial Administration and the registration committee of the shrines under the Department of Provincial Administration, and 3) the chairman of Phuket shrines networking. The data was collected and analyzed with Content Analysis and its credibility and validity was verified with triangulation.

The study results revealed that the shrines, nonprofit organization under the Ministry of Interior’s rule were the organization under the Department of Provincial Administration’s rule. They played important roles in operating the religious ceremony and public interest within the Department of Provincial Administration’s policies, direction, and rules. After the operational status was evaluated with system perspective, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were found. These lead to the operational status review consisting of the issues which should be adhered to and applied for the benefits, which should be adjusted and developed, and which should be controlled, avoided, and managed its risk. These issues’ details were illustrated and the results were discussed according to the research study’s purposes.



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How to Cite

Arakpothchong, W., Dhappanya, P., & Sirisunhirun, S. (2018). The Evaluation and Review of Operational Status of the Shrines, Nonprofit Organization under the Ministry of Interior’s Rule. Governance Journal, 6(2), 161–188. Retrieved from



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