The Eco Schools Management Focus on Learning Outcomes towards Sustainable Development


  • Supannee Akaradejruangsri
  • Pruet Siribanpitak


Eco school, Learning, Sustainable Development


The objectives of the research were 1) To examine the current and desirable states of eco schools management focus on learning outcomes towards sustainable development. 2) To study strengths weaknesses opportunities and treats of eco schools management focus on learning outcomes towards sustainable development. Mixed methods research was used in this research. Five experts evaluated the research tools. The research populations were 91 eco schools. The key informants were the administrators and teachers. The research instruments consist of conceptual framework assessment and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to acquire frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results found that the current condition had considerable mean. The desirable condition had the higher mean which was higher than the current condition in every aspect. The strengths were the learning process and participation and networking on environmental education. The weaknesses were environmental education policy and management structure. The opportunities were politics and technologies. The treats were economics and social.


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How to Cite

Akaradejruangsri, S., & Siribanpitak, P. (2018). The Eco Schools Management Focus on Learning Outcomes towards Sustainable Development. Governance Journal, 6(2), 189–206. Retrieved from



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