Management Strategies of Alternative Schools According to the Concept of Individualism Citizenship Capacity Building


  • Watchara Jatuporn
  • Chayapim Usaho


Alternative School; Individualist Citizenship; Capacity


This research aimed to study the current desirable conditions and develop strategies for alternative school management based on the concept of individualist citizenship capacity building, by means of mixed methods. The evaluation of the research conceptual framework was done by five experts, and the evaluation of the research tools was conducted by nine experts. Draft strategy evaluation was conducted by twenty experts. In addition, a focus group was attended by eight experts. In this research, the population was 28 alternative schools and the key informants consisted of 287 teachers and 37 school administrators. The research tools consisted of draft strategy evaluation forms and questionnaires. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.   The research results found that the mean values of the current conditions were at a high level and the mean values of the desirable conditions were at the highest level. Overall, extra-curricular activities were weakness, while course instruction was strength. In addition, politics and government policies were threat, while economic, social and technological conditions were opportunity. The research results also identified two alternative school management strategies in accordance with the concept of individualist citizenship capacity building: 1) Improvement of academic management using course instruction to build the capacity of individualist citizenship and 2) Improvement of student affairs management by providing extra-curricular activities.


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How to Cite

Jatuporn, W., & Usaho, C. (2018). Management Strategies of Alternative Schools According to the Concept of Individualism Citizenship Capacity Building. Governance Journal, 6(2), 207–230. Retrieved from



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